Christmas Cheer

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our children and their families a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our children and their families a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
The Oral Health Foundation is calling for the introduction of healthy drinks as the default option with children’s meals in restaurants, insisting that it will significantly help to improve oral health. The call follows a pioneering law…
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We pride ourselves in the service we offer and do our utmost to ensure that we create a home from home environment where your child can continue to develop and grow. Our Liverpool Day Nursery…
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Grandparents have a lifetime’s worth of cooking experience, so why not share this knowledge with pre-schoolers to help them develop healthier eating habits? This is the conclusion arrived at by a charity and community group…
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An app for parents and carers of pre-school children has ‘positive effects’ on children’s concentration levels, determination and their ability to make their own decisions, according to academics. A study carried out by University of…
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After a three-hour Commons debate, the Government has announced it is postponing the scrapping of the popular Childcare Vouchers Scheme, for at least six months. The timing for ending the voucher scheme on 5 April…
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Even from birth, girls and boys are treated differently, so it is unsurprising children as young as four can have defined ideas about what jobs are suitable for men and women, and whether ‘being smart’…
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Child development expert Robert Winston says child-initiated playtime is undervalued and wants Ofsted to reject the ‘flawed’ findings of its own report, which recommends four-year-olds be pushed harder to improve their writing, reading and maths….
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You can be assured that your child receives well balanced and nutritious meals at our Liverpool Day Nursery. All meals are freshly prepared on site and we support the 5 a day eating regime. As…
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‘Baby talk’ may sound silly to adults, but researchers have now found that it plays an important role in language learning and highlighting the structure of language. Researchers from Princeton University in the US have…
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